Randy and I have been married over 11 years. Kennedy is 9 and in 3rd grade and Raegan will be 6 in October, Kindergarten. Randy has one daughter Kenzi. We lost our helicopter this June when a storm came through destroying the building that held our helicopter. Randy keeps busy helping his family and hopes to do some spraying this winter in CA. I continue to work at Onaga and Eastridge nursing home. Wow, lots of things going on. Here is our life. Here is my story of our lives.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Kenzi's Graduation

Wow, it is hard to believe but we have a graduate amongst us. Randy's daughter Kenzi Smith graduated from H.S. over the weekend. She's a graduate of Lansing High School, Lansing, KS. It turned out to be a beautiful day despite the rainy day just prior. It was inside, originally suppose to be outside, but the football field was just a tad bit wet. Afterwards there was a dinner at her grandparents house. It was nice to enjoy the sunny day!! Posted in the pictures are Kenzi's mom, Jenny DeMoranville along with Randy. Kenzi's grandparents, Roger and Betty Becker. Also, included is Kenzi's Uncle Royce Becker along with his boys, Ethan, Corbin and Maveryk.

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